Degerby in the municipality of Ingå/Inkoo is the service-village that is more than a village: approximately 20 villages, about 400 year-around households with 882 inhabitants, in addition the same amount of part-time inhabitants. All this in a beautiful idyllic environment 50 kilometres to the west from Helsinki.

The village center of Degerby, forms a well-equipped center for service. It has a church, a school, a playground, two kindergardens, a shop, a hairdresser and a congregation house. About 70 enterprises already exist in the area and new ones are constantly registered. Read more about the sights of Degerby here.

Inhabitants in Degerby are famous for their independence and their go-ahead spirit. They called themselves “the Wild Sons of the Steppe” when rebuilding Degerby after the Soviet lease period, which is also called the Porkkala Parenthesis. Welcome to the Degerby Igor Museum and the village office Rosenberg to learn more.

We also have a gift shop and free broschures and information about the village and the area!


Click on the subjects to the left to read more about the village.

A video from Degerby village